Frequently Asked Questions


Frequent questions

Answers to frequently asked questions that may be helpful before contacting us. Two tabs, one dedicated to answers on Dioramas, Miniatures and Models. The other is dedicated to collaboration requests from artists.

Where can I see the models and miniatures in person?
To have the opportunity to view the models live, you must make a request to the artist via the contact form.

Can dioramas be shipped?
Some dioramas and miniatures can be shipped. (better with insurance). Other dioramas better to find an agreement on delivery with the artist.

Do you participate in exhibitions or events?
Yes, to find out in which exhibitions the artists' works will be present, just follow our blog page, or via our social networks.

Do the models have a dust box?
Usually yes, but for the details of each model or miniature you must contact the Artist and ask if possible to have a case to protect from dust.

What requirements must you meet to have your own exhibition gallery?
1) You must have a minimum of 6 works to exhibit.
2) The works must be of quality.
3) Pay a minimum annual membership fee.
4) Contribute your skills to the development and dissemination of the site.

How can I manage my gallery?

You will be granted access as a Publisher in the site's bakeend and you will be able to upload your content by independently setting up and managing your gallery and profile. You will also be able to have access to connected social networks to post and upload the videos necessary for the profile of your works.
You'll be taught how to write content, upload photos, videos and more for your gallery and profile.